Advance Planning for Single IRB Review
September 13, 2021
Tips for conducting a study for which you will be serving as the lead site and putting reliance agreements in place with other sites can be time consuming.
Site Supplement Reminder
September 13, 2021
The site supplement protocol template is to be used as a supplement to a main protocol that may not include all of the elements of the UW IRB template protocol.
New CITI Human Subjects Protections Course
August 10, 2021
A new CITI “UW Human Subjects Protections Course” will replace the “UW Biomedical Course” and “Social & Behavioral Course” in early September.
Non-Protocol Based Application (nPBA)
August 10, 2021
Work on a new non-Protocol Based Application is underway with an anticipated release date in late 2021.
June Toolkit Updates
June 3, 2021
Toolkit documents are being reviewed and updated with roll-out of the revised documents targeted for mid-July.
Minimal Risk Research Board Merger
June 3, 2021
The ED/SBS and the MR IRB will merge into a new Minimal Risk Research IRB (MRR IRB) in June.
New HS IRB Committee Structure
April 16, 2021
The HS IRB committee will be forming smaller panels and adding two meetings a month.
New Minimal Risk Research IRB committee
April 16, 2021
The ED/SBS and MR IRBs will merge into a new Minimal Risk Research IRB.
New Protocol-Based Application
March 26, 2021
At the end of March, a new protocol-based application (PBA) will be available in ARROW.