Reminder to Use Stamped Consent Documents
February 23, 2023
For studies approved by a UW-Madison IRB, the stamped consent document must be used when obtaining written consent on a physical form.
Records Retention Changes in ARROW
January 13, 2023
This spring, OVCRGE ARROW IT and IRB will begin the process of permanently deleting applications from ARROW that have reached their scheduled record retention period.
New Leadership Updates
January 13, 2023
Announcing a new Associate Director of HRPP Quality, Compliance, and Reliance and interim IRB Director.
Introducing New Staff
November 28, 2022
Welcome to Nathan Putman-Buehler and Sarah Dietz, who are joining both the RELIANT and HS IRB teams.
November 28, 2022
With the latest ARROW patch, the PI appointment page in IRB ARROW has been streamlined.
Research Data in HealthLink
November 28, 2022
Research data that is recorded in HealthLink must be approved by the IRB and described in consent documents. This data is now more easily accessible to subjects.
AAHRPP Re-accreditation Update
October 18, 2022
During the September meeting of the AAHRPP Council on Accreditation, UW-Madison was awarded full accreditation status.
Retirement of IRB KB Sites
October 18, 2022
The ED/SBS and HS IRBs KnowledgeBase (KB) pages will be retired over the remainder of the year.
RELIANT Reminders
October 7, 2022
Reminders about when RELIANT will or will not cede IRB review or serve as reviewing IRB.
Introducing New Staff
August 15, 2022
The Minimal Risk Research Team and RELIANT are welcoming new staff this month.