Introducing New Staff

November 28, 2022

Welcome to Nathan Putman-Buehler and Sarah Dietz, who are joining both the RELIANT and HS IRB teams.


November 28, 2022

With the latest ARROW patch, the PI appointment page in IRB ARROW has been streamlined.

Research Data in HealthLink

November 28, 2022

Research data that is recorded in HealthLink must be approved by the IRB and described in consent documents. This data is now more easily accessible to subjects.

AAHRPP Re-accreditation Update

October 18, 2022

During the September meeting of the AAHRPP Council on Accreditation, UW-Madison was awarded full accreditation status.

Retirement of IRB KB Sites

October 18, 2022

The ED/SBS and HS IRBs KnowledgeBase (KB) pages will be retired over the remainder of the year.

RELIANT Reminders

October 7, 2022

Reminders about when RELIANT will or will not cede IRB review or serve as reviewing IRB.

Introducing New Staff

August 15, 2022

The Minimal Risk Research Team and RELIANT are welcoming new staff this month.

Toolkit Updates

August 15, 2022

The latest round of Toolkit revisions went live the week of July 25, 2022.

Update to Institutional Consent Language Template

August 15, 2022

HRP-502c Institutional Consent Language has been revised related to confidentiality language and ceded study consent documents.

Staff Relocation

August 15, 2022

IRB staff who are currently located in Lathrop will be permanently moving to new locations on campus on August 25th.