A component of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and a unit of the Office of Research Compliance, the Institutional Review Boards oversee human subjects research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This includes research conducted off-site by University faculty and staff when acting as University employees or in connection with their University appointments. The IRBs review and oversee research to ensure that it meets ethical principles and complies with federal regulations, state laws, and university policies. The IRBs are composed of members from various disciplines in the medical, social, and behavioral sciences as well as community members.

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an IRB must review all research involving human subjects, and the research cannot begin until the IRB has reached a determination. This is true even if a researcher perceives there are no risks for people who participate in their research.

Read the UW-Madison Institutional Review Boards Compliance Statement.


The University’s Human Research Protection Program is accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs. Learn more about AAHRPP accreditation.

IRB Chairs

Select each tab below to learn more about the Health Sciences IRB and Minimal Risk Research IRB chairs.

Health Sciences IRB

Sameer Mathur, MD, PhD (Chair)
Associate Professor of Medicine – Allergy and Immunology
(608) 262-2804

Andrew Knox, MD (Vice-Chair)
Assistant Professor of Neurology
(608) 263-5448

Michelle Ciucci, PhD, CCC-SLP (Vice-Chair)
Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders
(608) 262-6122

Seth Dailey, MD (Vice-Chair)
Professor, Surgery – Otolaryngology

Rowan Karaman, MD (Vice-Chair)

Minimal Risk Research IRB

Edward Hubbard, PhD (Chair)
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
(608) 265-2607

Sarah Jung, PhD (Vice-Chair)
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery
(608) 262-1240