New MRR Panel 2 Chair

We would like to welcome Sarah Jung, PhD, as the new Vice-Chair of MRR Panel 2! Dr. Jung is an Assistant Professor in Education Research and Development in the Department of Surgery. She is an expert in educational psychology with a focus in Learning Science, the study of how people learn in different contexts. She has studied the incorporation and impact of digital technologies in multiple learning environments. She is currently involved in numerous studies in the areas of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing surgical education.

Sarah has served as an MRR IRB member for 3 years and we are excited to have her move into this leadership role!

2025 Calendar and Meeting Dates

The 2025 calendar is here, and meeting dates have been sent to panel members. Please respond to any emails from asking about 2025 schedules as soon as possible as this helps us immensely in finalizing the calendar!

IRB Member, Chair, and Vice-Chair Evaluation Surveys

As part of ongoing HRPP quality evaluations, the IRB office reviews IRB member performance annually, and chair/vice-chair performance every three years. We have just completed our annual member review cycle and if you have not already, you will be receiving notice of this review via email shortly. As always, we are so appreciative of the time and expertise that all of you provide to the IRB and cannot thank you enough for all that you do.

Our first cycle of Chair/Vice-Chair evaluations is underway and to that effect, please click on the link below to provide your feedback on your panel’s chair or vice-chair. Please evaluate only the chair for the panel on which you primarily serve. If you serve as an alternate member (i.e. no permanent panel assignment) please evaluate the chair with whom you have attended the most meetings. Survey responses will remain anonymous. You will also be receiving an email with the survey link.

Link to survey

IRB Member Rosters

Historically, UW Madison IRB rosters have not been made public. To generate interest in serving on the IRB and in the interest of transparency, we are considering posting our rosters to the IRB Members page. Individual member names would never be disclosed in relation to a specific review or even panel, but rather, whether an individual serves on the MRR or HS board. If you have questions or concerns with this change, please email