After your overarching study is approved, reach out to your sites to find out if they are ready to move forward with submitting a cede request at their institution. If so, provide them with the UW approved consent and other study templates so the local site can revise them to meet their site-specific requirements. They will need to submit these documents with their cede request so you may need to provide assistance as they put these together.
When the local site study team either submits or is close to submitting their cede request, you should submit the change or add a site form to the UW-Madison IRB. Closely coordinating the timing of these submissions will help RELIANT and the relying site IRB approve the site more quickly. On the other hand, if a site is not yet ready to submit its cede request, do not submit the change or add a site form at UW-Madison. Neither RELIANT nor the relying site IRB can move forward with a reliance agreement until the relying site study team has submitted or is close to submitting a cede request.