Working Position Title: IRB Liaison
Estimated Full Time Equivalent (FTE): Depends upon the complexity of the study and the number of sites. It is estimated that most studies with 10 or more sites will require 1.0 FTE dedicated to this role. Smaller studies may be able to combine this role with another role such as general study coordination.
Summary of job duties:
The IRB Liaison will work directly with the overall study/lead UW PI as part of the lead site team in order to facilitate and coordinate IRB review and other compliance requirements across all participating
sites of a multi-site clinical trial. The IRB Liaison will serve as a central hub for communication among sites as well as between the sites, the IRB and other compliance offices. This liaison will serve as the primary point of contact between the reviewing IRB and the overall study.
Primary duties may include:
- Understand and communicate the policies and processes of the reviewing IRB, and be familiar with the research and the sites
- Work with the sites and their research compliance or IRB offices to establish reliance agreements with the reviewing IRB
- Coordinate the timing of initial review and modifications across all sites
- Assist the participating sites with completing and submitting materials to the reviewing IRB, which may include preparing and submitting all materials on their behalf
- Facilitate the continuing IRB review for the entire study by collecting information from all sites and submitting it to the reviewing IRB
- Serve as an intermediary between the reviewing IRB and the participating sites
- Obtain local context considerations (e.g., a state’s age of majority) for each site and ensure that the information is provided to the reviewing IRB
- Assist the participating sites with responding to IRB requests
- Plan IRB and other regulatory approval timelines and troubleshoot challenging situations
- Coordinate the payment of IRB fees by the lead site
- May require travel in order to accomplish job duties, e.g., when assisting a participating site in responding to an inspection request from the reviewing IRB
Because this is a crucial role that requires a complex set of skills, the most qualified individuals will have significant regulatory experience related to multi-site studies and/or clinical trials. This person needs a strong knowledge of the regulatory requirements for single IRB review and must be able to nimbly respond to changes in the implementation of this new policy across many different institutions. They also need to have enough scientific and regulatory background to understand the study and anticipate other regulatory and institutional requirements that may apply at each site and affect the IRB process (e.g., Radiation Safety review, Institutional Biosafety Committee review, etc.). The IRB liaison will need to establish relationships and maintain close communications with a wide variety of people and offices quickly. Outstanding demonstrated ability to communicate quickly and effectively with a wide range of stakeholders is strongly recommended.
Suggested Additional Qualifications:
- Specific education or training in biomedical regulatory affairs
- Project management experience or certification for grant applications
Grant Budget Justification Example:
TBN, Research Study Coordinator/IRB Liaison
Effort = 12.0 months calendar (100% FTE) in Years 1-5 [adjust FTE & years to match the study]
A Research Study Coordinator will be hired to serve as the IRB Liaison for all participating sites in order to facilitate the complex and time-sensitive communications among sites, and between the participating sites and the single IRB (sIRB). Under the direction of the Lead PI, the IRB Liaison will facilitate and coordinate IRB approval and related regulatory compliance activities for all participating sites. This includes serving as an intermediary between the sIRB and the sites in order to: (1) establish reliance agreements; (2) facilitate timely initial review, modifications, and continuing review; and (3) establish and maintain communication plans among all stakeholders to ensure consistency among IRB-approved consent forms, other materials, and procedures among all sites.