Institutional policy requires that some studies undergo review by the ICTR scientific review committee (SRC) prior to being forwarded to the IRB. The SRC review process is separate from the IRB’s. The SRC website has more information about its processes.

Studies submitted for full IRB review that are not oncology-related typically require SRC review unless they a) are otherwise reviewed and determined to be highly meritorious by an alternate internal or external scientific review process (e.g. internal research grant competitions, federal funding agencies, foundations with robust scientific review) or b) solely involve a range of minimal risk procedures.

All oncology-related studies must undergo review by the UWCCC’s protocol review and monitoring committee (PRMC) before the application is forwarded to the IRB for review. The PRMC has its own application process separate from the IRB’s, which should be started prior to IRB submission. For more information, contact the PRMC directly (