A PI is responsible for the overall conduct of a study. Some of these responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Conducting the study in compliance with relevant regulations (e.g., 45 CFR 46/the Common Rule, FDA, other federal agencies, state law) as well as ethical principles described in the Belmont Report.
- Completing required human subjects research trainings.
- Providing adequate training to and oversight of study personnel
- In the case of certain types of clinical trial research, ensuring the protocol complies with applicable Good Clinical Practice requirements.
- Obtaining legally effective informed consent, when required.
- Obtaining permission for the use and disclosure of protected health information in compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, as applicable.
- Comparing contracts with consent documents.
- Submitting follow-on applications as required for approved or exempt studies, including changes, continuing reviews, and reportable events.
- Submitting a closure report when a study is completed.
- Complying with all institutional requirements related to human subjects research, including conflict of interest.
- Assuring participant privacy and confidentiality according to institutional and regulatory requirements including HIPAA and FERPA (as applicable).