For new, non-exempt studies and those that do not already have an IRB approved consent document, you should use the appropriate consent template below to create your consent document(s):
Note that all long form consent documents and all summaries for short form consent documents must contain all the required and any additional appropriate elements of informed consent. Review the “Long Form of Consent Documentation” section in HRP-314 – WORKSHEET – Criteria for Approval, to ensure that these elements are addressed. When using the short form of consent documentation, the appropriate signature block from HRP-507 – TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT – Short Form should be used on the short form.
For exempt projects that will involve interactions with subjects, you may use an abbreviated process for obtaining consent. Consent can be verbal, but, if appropriate, you should provide the following information to participants in writing, such as an information sheet or copy of the script:
- The participant is being asked to participate in a research study;
- A description of the procedure(s) the participant will be asked to complete;
- Participation is voluntary; and
- The investigator’s name and contact information.
- For an exempt consent template, see HRP502a-TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT- Exempt.
For social, behavioral, and educational studies and other appropriate minimal risk research, a consent wizard is available.
For studies using a consent template provided by a sponsor that conforms to the requirements of HRP 502-TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT-Biomedical, you do not need to revise the consent document other than to ensure required institutional language is included. For details, see HRP 502c-STANDARD CONSENT LANGUAGE.
- HRP 502c-STANDARD CONSENT LANGUAGE should also be used when creating consent documents for ceded studies. For details, see the Reliance Manual.
For VA studies, VA Consent Templates as well as a document describing local UW language that may be required can be on IRBNet ( For further details on VA requirements, see information presented on IRBNet and the VA research section.
For emergency or compassionate use, see HRP 506-TEMPLATE CONSENT.
We recommend that you date the revisions of your consent documents to ensure that you use the most recent version approved by the IRB. It is also recommended to use gender inclusive language throughout the consent document, when possible (e.g. people of child-bearing potential, rather then females of child-bearing potential).
Prior to submission, investigators are responsible for ensuring that any language addressing provisions for medical care or other services for research-related injuries described in the study’s contract or funding agreement are consistent with what is presented in the consent document.