The following limited editorial changes can be made to approved study materials without prior IRB approval:

  • Changes to contact point person, as long as all listed contacts are current study team members.
  • Changes to contact phone number, as long as the new/updated phone number is an internal UW number.
  • Changes to contact email address as long as the use of email was previously approved AND the new email is a university-approved email account [NOTE: Only secure, university-issued or approved email accounts should be used, such as, or accounts. Personal email accounts, such as, may not be used. Use encrypted email if possible.].
  • Correction of typographical or spacing errors (e.g. correction of misspelled words, removal of blank spaces, reorienting the layout).
  • Changes in graphics, unrelated to subject remuneration

Changes to approved study materials that do require submission of a change of protocol prior to use include:

  • Changes to study materials’ text or images about subject remuneration
  • Changes to the description or presentation of study activities.
  • Changes to the estimated length of visits or study participation.
  • Changes to content, such as adding or removing questions from a survey.
  • Any change to consent documents or to the protocol.