The IRB may approve research, require modifications to the research to secure approval, table research, defer research, or disapprove research:

  • Approve: Made when all criteria for approval are met. See “IRB Approval Criteria” above.
  • Modifications Required to Secure Approval: Made when IRB members require specific modifications to the research before approval can be finalized.
  • Tabled: Made when the IRB cannot approve the research at a meeting for reasons unrelated to the research, such as loss of quorum. When taking this action, the IRB automatically schedules the research for review at the next meeting.
  • Deferred: Made when the IRB determines that the board is unable to approve research and the IRB suggests modifications that might make the research approvable. When making this motion, the IRB describes its reasons for this decision, describes modifications that might make the research approvable, and gives the investigator an opportunity to respond to the IRB.
  • Disapproval: Made when the IRB determines that it is unable to approve research and the IRB cannot describe modifications that might make the research approvable. When making this motion, the IRB describes its reasons for this decision and gives the investigator an opportunity to respond to the IRB in person or in writing.