Along with this manual, current Human Research-related policies, SOPs, Worksheets, Checklists and Templates may be found in the HRPP Toolkit Library.
- SOPs describe HRPP processes
- Worksheets are reference documents outlining regulatory and institutional criteria for specific items (e.g., FERPA, criteria for approval, assessing recruitment materials)
- Checklists are used by HRPP staff and the IRB to document regulatory determinations. Checklists do NOT need to be completed by study teams.
Collectively, these documents comprise the Toolkit Library and create a complete picture of Human Research Protection Program (“HRPP”) and Institutional Review Board (“IRB”) expectations and a guide to seeking IRB review and approval. All documents in the Toolkit Library are used by HRPP staff and IRB members to enhance compliance with federal, state and local requirements for conducting research and protecting human participants.
We encourage you to use all of these resources to assist in you in preparing your application and conducting your research study.
To ensure you are always referencing the most current version of Toolkit and related documents, please access them in real time from the IRB website rather than downloading and storing them on your computer.