Permanent Director Position Filled!

We are so happy to announce the appointment of Lisa Wilson, JD, CHRP, as the IRB Director, effective December 3, 2023. Lisa has served as interim IRB director since February 2023. Most of you know Lisa or have worked with her as she came to the IRB from the Office of Legal Affairs where she was senior legal counsel. In that role, she advised faculty, staff and the IRB/HRPP on regulations relating to human subjects research as well as supporting many institutional stakeholders on contracts and agreements required for compliant human subjects research.

She brings a wealth of expertise and leadership to the office. Please join us in welcoming Lisa to this leadership role.

Last Chance- please complete the IRB Member Survey

If you have not already, please take a few moments to complete our annual IRB Member Satisfaction Survey (2023). Your responses provide us with important feedback that we use in planning new member on-boarding, mini-trainings, and member engagement initiatives.

CITI Training for IRB Members

IRB Members who have been around since the first half of 2020 or earlier may remember taking an IRB Member training using the CITI website, which UW-Madison also uses to facilitate human subjects research and Good Clinical Practice training on campus. We will return to using the one-time IRB Member CITI course as part of the on-boarding for new IRB Members.

If you were on-boarded between June 2020 and now, you were not asked to take this training; instead, you watched videos that were recorded as part of our IRB Efficiency Project that addressed the federal regulations. Now that the transition is complete, we are returning to this form of training which is used by many of our peers.

Current board members DO NOT need to take this training. However, there are many supplemental modules that you may find valuable, and we wanted to make you aware of this resource. Some of the supplemental modules focus on the history of human subjects research in the United States, and others focus on single topics, such as “Avoiding Group Harms,” “Assessing Risk,” or “Genetic Research.
Anyone can access the IRB Member training CITI by doing the following:

  1. Log in to CITI via the UW-Madison CITI portal using your UW-Madison NetID and password.
  2. Click “View Courses” next to the “University of Wisconsin-Madison.”
  3. Click “Add a Course” at the bottom of the page.
  4. In question 4, check the box next to “IRB Member Training” and click “Submit” at the bottom of the page. The course will now appear in your course list.

Again, current IRB Members are NOT being asked to take (or re-take) this training. If you are delinquent in any training requirements, we will let you know!


What a year! Take a look at all we accomplished in 2023: Year-in-Review.

Member Comings and Goings

Welcome to the IRB! In 2023 we on-boarded 22 new members to both the MRR and HS boards! We also sadly had to say goodbye to several members this year, including long time Chair, Peter Rhako.

Thank you all for sharing your expertise and time with the IRB. Happy New Year!