Use HRP-502 – TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT to create a consent document. You may continue to use your own consent template if it includes the elements found in HRP-502. For social, behavioral, and educational studies and other appropriate minimal risk research, a consent wizard is available.
The consent document should be uploaded to the application in Word format, as this allows for reviewer edits and comments to be easily placed in the document.
Note that all long form consent documents and all summaries for short form consent documents must contain all of the required and all additional appropriate elements of informed consent disclosure. Review the “Long Form of Consent Documentation” section in HRP 314 – WORKSHEET – Criteria for Approval, to ensure that these elements are addressed. When using the short form of consent documentation, the appropriate signature block from HRP-502 – TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT should be used on the short form.
If your research study meets the requirements for an exemption and there are interactions with subjects, you may use an abbreviated process for obtaining consent as noted in the Preparing Supporting Materials section.
We recommend that you date the revisions of your consent documents to ensure that you use the most recent version approved by the IRB.