When a UW Madison IRB is serving as the IRB of Record for external relying sites, relying site delegation logs no longer need to be provided to the UW IRB via ARROW. Following this weekend’s ARROW update, ARROW will instead ask for the name of each relying site’s Principal Investigator.

Since standard reliance agreements dictate that relying sites are responsible for tracking their own personnel, the UW IRB acting as the reviewing IRB does not also need to track this information. We hope this change will reduce the start-up burden for teams conducting multi-site research where UW is the IRB of Record.

For existing applications, no action is needed currently. When (if) you submit your next Change of Protocol, the delegation log question will be hidden and you will be required to name a Principal Investigator for each relying site. Questions about this change can be submitted to irbreliance@research.wisc.edu.